The magic of Nuit Blanche in Paris
Categories : Events, published on : 9/19/16
A milestone in the Parisian artistic year, Nuit Blanche is the perfect marriage between a city and the contemporary artists who take over its public spaces for a thrilling one-night event.
Paris, city of love
For its fifteenth edition, Nuit Blanche has been placed under the artistic direction of Jean de Loisy, director of the Palais de Tokyo. He proposes the romantic theme that is based on the search for love. On the night of 1st to 2nd October, you are invited to embark on a phantasmagorical journey that is both poetic and aesthetically fabulous. The poster for the event illustrates the theme perfectly with a red heart pierced by the Eiffel Tower and highlighted by a meandering blue river Seine. Try the suggested itinerary and follow an imagined route that may have been taken by Poliphile, hero of a sixteenth-century novel, as he desperately seeks for his beloved Polia in the reinvented streets of Treviso.
Happenings and surprises
Between the Carte du Tendre, activities and innovative performances, Nuit Blanche takes you on a voyage through time and space. It’s up to you whether you capture the essence of this unique night in Stéphane Thidet’s Enchanted Forest, at City Hall, under the Pont des Arts with choreography by Olivier Beer or at the Quai Branly museum where broken hearts will be glued back together thanks to the acting marabouts and sorcerers who have arrived for the occasion. More than a backdrop, Paris becomes a key player in the adventures of Poliphile, a character who swings between hope, melancholy and passionate love. Nuit Blanche offers you the chance to enjoy a timeless moment where the contours of reality become blurred, where feelings take shape and where Paris is yours.
Once again, Paris will prove that it is the city of arts and love! Embark on a night time journey that is exciting, unusual and white!