Exclusive Offers

Best rate guaranteed on our website

Platine Hotel


Spring Offer


Plan your next getaway and stay at Platine Hotel 


For a stay from March 05 to May 07 included, benefit from a 20% discount on your room.


* On reservation and subject to availability of this rate.  Offer non-refundable and non-cancellable. Offer cannot be combined with any current promotional offers or negotiated rates.

Platine Hotel

Romance Offer

Enjoy the privacy of your room for a romantic stay in the city of love.


This offer includes :

-  A rose petal heart on the bed

-  A bottle of champagne on arrival

-  A buffet breakfast for two

Platine Hotel

Lovebox Offer

Surprise your partner during your stay in Paris.


This offer includes :

-  A Lovebox for two to discover

-  A buffet breakfast for two